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  • What You Need During Your Appointment Application Checklist
    Updated On: Jul 22, 2016

    What to Bring the day of application:
    1. Original ID card
    2. Original Signed Social Security card
    3. Name and Social Security number of the person you want to list as your beneficiary. (Has to be someone who is 18 years or older)

    You will be asked to reschedule if you: 
    1. Arriving Late for your scheduled appointment
    2. Failure to provide both your original Driver License and Social Security card
    **Factor for traffic and arrive at least 15 minutes early!! Application are done in 15 minutes time frame. Even being slightly late will require you to reschedule!!

    We are located at 8400 Enterprise Way, Suite 111, Oakland, CA  94621. The single side door as you drive into the parking lot is open at 7am as well as our office. The main double door and the back double door is not open until 8am. If you try to come through these door you will be late and will have to reschedule. Our application time is done by appointment every Wednesday from 8am to 9pm by calling 510-430-9492. 

    What to expect after completing the application paperwork:
    1. Complete the application process and get the L.O.S. (Letter of Subscription)
    2. Find a contractor on the list provided to hire you on as an Apprentice and 
    sign the L.O.S.
    3. Bring back the signed L.O.S. back to our office along with:
          a. Initiation Fee
          b. Required Dues
          c. Tools required on the tools List depending on if it is for Cement Mason or Plasterer
    4. You will then complete the remaining paperwork for your enrollment.
    5. You will be finally dispatched to the contractor that signed your L.O.S. and start working.
    *We do not collect Initiation Fee or Dues until you are able to find a contractor willing to hire and indenture you as an apprentice to start working and training you.

    Frequently Asked Question:

    Question:  Is there a closer Area Office for Local 300. Can I call and make and appointment to do the application there instead since it is closer?

    Answer:  Yes you can. Appointment at all our Area Office including the main office is done only on Wednesday by appointment. To make an appointment at the closest Area Office please go to the "Area Office" tab on this website and call to make your appointment.

    Question:  When and how often do I need to go to school as an apprentice?

    Answer:  Classes are twice a month in Pleasanton, CA. You will be provided more detail from the school once you get your LOS signed and complete your enrollment.

    Question:  What should I do if I do not have the complete money for the tools, initiation fees, or dues?

    Answer:  When the contractor sign the LOS paperwork. Generally they are expecting you to work A.S.A.P..  In order for you to be dispatch to go to work. You will need to complete the remainder enrollment paperwork along with paying the required initiation and dues to join the union. You will also need the required tools in order to start working. Make sure you have these things in order before you start your application process or before you aggressively look for a contractor to sign your LOS paperwork to get indentured.

    Question:  When is the best time to fill out an application and get indenture as an apprentice?

    Answer:  The best time is when work is busy. Work is slow during the Winter time. Then it gradually picks up in the Spring and get busy in the Summer. Work in the Fall gradually slow down from being busy in the Summer.  Beginning of Summer is generally the best time when work is the busiest. Work also generally slow down during the wet/rainy weather.

    Question: Any tips on convincing a contractor to hire me and indenture me as an apprentice?

    Answer:  Make a list of all the contractor you want to solicit in getting hired from nearest to farthest from your resident from the list of contractors provided. Call them or check on the CSLB website to make sure their address is current.  Show up as early as possible in your Ready-To-Work clothes (Jeans, Hard Hat, Work Boots). Most construction company start as early as 6am. Showing up early not only shows your dedication but also shows that you are commited to arriving to work on time. Which is a really big deal in constructon because all projects have construction deadline that a contractor must complete or face a penalties. Having a dependable and reliable construction work force is critical. Keep track of the contractors and the day and time you solicit them in case you need to followup with them. As stated in the question above. Summer is generally the best time to get hired as an apprentice when work is the busiest.


  • OPCMIA 300

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