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Or choose the information that is available to members:
News Feed: Keep up to date with all the news of OPCMIA Local 300!!
Monthly Meeting: Picture and information from each monthly meeting.
Events: Event information and pictures.
Agents/Staff: Pictures of the Business Agents and Representative of OPCMIA Local 300.
Board Members: Pictures of Trustees and E-Board Members of OPCMIA Local 300.
Contact Directory: Phone numbers for other directory important to the members such as the Trust for Medical, Pension, and Vacation Pay etc...
Frequently Asked Questions: Common question such as Roll Call, TWIC, Vacation Pay, D.C.O, etc...
Compliance Central: Compliance News and Updates
Tips and Quotes: Tips and Quotes on becoming a better Union Member
Union Apparel: Union Clothing and Items available for sale.
Event Calendar: Event schedule from public calendar and members only event noticification dates
Scholarship/Loans Available: List of Scholarship and Loan available